the diary of a lifetime dream of RVing through this great country

Hello from Holtwood, PA. This is our LAST night on the road. And boy – can I pick ’em! Campgrounds, that is. Oy.

We left Candy Hill in Winchester, VA about 11 a.m. I was just saying to Rich how lucky we were regarding the lack of rain on this trip – and, it started to rain during the night. Hard. My night was a pretty sleepless one. Rain on a tin box was not sleep inducing at all. Luckily, the rain stopped by the time we got on the road in the morning.

Our drive today was a relatively short one – I think less than 3 hours total. As I’ve shared, I had a very hard time finding a campground in Pennsylvania with a vacancy for tonight. After an exhaustive search, I found Tucquan RV park (pronounced Tuck One). Their website looked amazing! Wonderful! Family fun! Um….

We followed the directions, and the road that led into the campground was long, windy, hilly, UNPAVED, and awful. I should have known. When we arrived at the registration office, it looked less than inviting. We were in the system- but they had us needing 2 campsites. Huh? And when I asked if there’s cable in the park, she didn’t know. She didn’t know? I mean, she was nice – but not too knowledgeable on the reservation. We got a campground map with our site circled, and headed out to find our site. We’ve done this every time – but here, it was really hard to figure out where the actual roads were. It seemed as if there were many rv’s in the park – but very few people. That’s never great.

We finally found our site, up a hill. We are the ONLY ones here. In this particular campground, that’s not romantic, or charming- it’s freaking scary! It is pitch black when night comes, and seriously one of the scariest campgrounds ever. I am totally spooked. Rich isn’t too thrilled either. And, once again, the website deceived me.

We were set up by about 3. The weather morphed into a cold, drizzly, foggy, uninviting day. Rich and I made omelets for lunch, and then just settled in. There are only 4 air channels- as there definitely is no cable. The wifi is fair – it was ‘good enough’. We decided to embrace a lazy Sunday afternoon and evening inside. I spent quite awhile with my needlepoint project. Rich spent hours watching football (thank goodness the signal was strong enough for that). Unfortunately, Rich’s Giants disappointed him.

Roxy was definitely getting antsy – she wanted to be outside. But there was just a limited amount of time either of us wanted to be outside. 24 hours can make quite a difference in the weather! Luckily, we are out of here early tomorrow morning.

Yesterday’s trivia answer was.. zero – and I think Jodie was the only one to get it right. Matt Perry appeared in every single episode of “Friends”.

Okay, LAST trivia question for this trip: Tomorrow night is the 30th. Many people call it Mischief Night. What was it called in Clifton, New Jersey? Answer in my last post, hopefully tomorrow night.

A few pictures from today. Thanks for reading. Please, stay safe.

Marla and Rich

Roxy got to ride shotgun today – she was too uncomfortable climbing all over me. I was moved to the back.😕
Pretty scenery as we entered Pennsylvania.

Comments on: "“…It’s close to midnight, and something evil’s lurking in the dark…”" (3)

  1. Robert Daley said:

    Goosey Night!

  2. Lewis Stone said:

    Goosey Night [I also had the correct answer on Matt Perry]

  3. elmwood park called it goosey night. i think clifton did too……friends is repeated all over….on nickelodeon last night they changed the episodes to ones that focused on chandler. in between each episode nick posted their thoughts and prayers that he had passed away. i think none of the 6 main characters missed an episode. matthew talked about if he had a goatee he was using pills. no goatee he was drinking. his going to oklahoma was when he was in and out of rehab. driven to and from set in a limo back to the rehab. same with when chandler and monica got married. rest in peace bing a ling…

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